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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Flannel Shirts History [Fashion]

Flannel Shirts [Fashion]

Good afternoon.
Right now, I’d like to discuss some of the things that you (guys) already familiar and it called a flannel shirt.

The word “Flannel” comes with many pronounce. Europeans called it “flannelette”. The French coined it “Flanelle”. And the Germans? They removed that extra “e” but kept the extra l for “Flannell.
Flannel Shirts
The definition of the flannel shirt, according to the Wikipedia :
"Flannel shirt" is often mistakenly used to refer to any shirt with a plaid or tartan pattern, rather than a shirt constructed of Flannel fabric and as the Flannel it’s self, is a soft woven fabric, of various fineness. Flannel was originally made from carded wool or worsted yarn, but is now often made from either wool, cotton, or synthetic fibre.
Flannel Fabrics
The Conclusion history of the flannel shirt, according to  :
We now know that flannel shirt has been going through many phases.
1) Originally made to be wear in a cold weather and  very cheap, but  became popular in America with the invention of union suit, which is a one-piece long john and gradually it became a woman and man’s underwear at the year of 1890.
One-piece long john
2) Time goes by, and flannel shirts became a standard men’s underwear in a cold weather and for working men (blue collar men). When the first world war broke in 1914, flannel shirts was used as uniforms for soldiers and bandage for medics.
Flannel shirts as soldiers uniforms
3) In 1950, flannel shirts became an important part of American culture. It was Paul Bunyan who became a role model who is always wearing a red plaid flannel shirts. Many man interpreted it as a symbol of equal, so they always wearing a same flannel uniform in their groups. Flannel shirts for man at that time has many function and mean : it was comfortable in most climates, bold, distinctive, male independence and sense of the right stuff for men.

Paul Bunyan with his red plaid flannel shirts
4)   Final phases, which turn a flannel shirts into a uniform of masculinity in modern world. It was Kurt Cobain, the legendary Nirvana singer who made a whole generation of men to adopt the flannel shirts.

Kurt Cobain in his flannel shirts

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tiger's Curse - Colleen Houck [Book Review]

Tiger's Curse - Tiger Saga

The Synopsis
The last thing Kelsey Hayes thought she’d be doing this summer was trying to break a 300-year-old Indian curse. With a mysterious white tiger named Ren. Halfway around the world. But that’s exactly what happened. Face-to-face with dark forces, spellbinding magic, and mystical worlds where nothing is what it seems, Kelsey risks everything to piece together an ancient prophecy that could break the curse forever.

My Review
Awal pertama tertarik dengan judul ini karena ngebaca sinopsis dari dari buku pertama. Sayangnya cerita yang saya baca malah buku ke-2nya dan yup... Tiger's Curse merupakan buku pertama dari rangkaian Tiger's Saga yang dipublis pertama kali oleh Colleen Houck pada tahun 2011. Sekilas memang mirip dengan Twiligh's Saga Stephanie Meyer. Tetapi yang membedakannya adalah isi cerita yang sarat akan mitos-mitos serta gabungan dari legenda yang berasal dari India, Cina, dan Yunani/Romawi. 

Menurut Saya pribadi, suasana romantisnya agak keterlaluan dan dapat membuat wanita yang menyukai hal romantis bisa begitu jatuh cinta akan cerita dan pemain yang ada dalam novel ini, khususnya Ren dan Kishan. I Really love the poems. Banyak banget puisi-puisi menarik yang mengangkat tema dari filsuf dan penyair-penyair klasik khususnya Shakespeare (khususnya dibuku pertama). Pengarangnya pinter banget memasukkan berbagai macam unsur yang saya yakin pasti butuh waktu untuk meneliti dan menyatukannya menjadi sebuah cerita yang menarik. 

Tetapi, menurut Saya (lagi), cerita dalam novelnya terlalu ideal sehingga cerita seperti ini mungkin hanya dapat kita temukan dalam film. Yah...namanya juga fantasi-romance, kalau jadi cerita nyata bisa-bisa aneh banget. Dengar-dengar karena kesuksesannya, Hollywood telah membeli hak cipta dari novel tersebut untuk dijadikan film dan akan direlease (mungkin) tahun 2015.
Julie Plec (screenplay dari serial hits The Vampire Diarie) telah didapuk sebagai penulis screenplay film Tiger's Curse. Jadi saya anjurkan, lebih baik baca novelnya dulu sebelum film ini kemungkinan akan jadi hits dimasa depan. Itu juga kalau yang membuat film menemukan pemain dan atmosfer yang tepat sesuai dengan novelnya sehingga juga  dapat mengulang kesuksesan seperti yang telah didapatkan oleh Twilight Saga.

Karena saga, pastinya buku dari karangan Colleen Houck ini jumlahnya sampai 4 nomor. Belum lagi katanya mau dirilis buku ke-5 yang berjudul Tiger's Dream tahun depan. Buat yang males baca buku yang berkelanjutan, mending diurungkan saja daripada udah capek duluan baca buku pertama tapi ga bisa berhenti penasaran untuk tahu cerita kelanjutannya kayak gimana. Buat yang memang suka baca, ceritanya memang bikin nagih dan rasanya fresh banget. Kenapa ? Karena banyak novel-novel terkenal yang lebih banyak memasukkan unsur-unsur budaya barat. Sedangkan novel Colleen Houck walaupun ada budaya barat, tetapi ceritanya berfokus pada budaya timur khusus India dan Cina.

PS :
Last for not least, my overall rating for the Tiger's Curse book is : 8/10. I like reading it in it's real language, but if you're interest, you can found it in a local bookstore with an Indonesia translation. There were only Book 1, so far... So what are you waiting for, just go and grab it.
Happy reading, everyone :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Nail Polish Hyperbolic [Hobby]

Nail polish & Nail Art
Good evening.
It's already been 2 month since my last post about bb cream review. That's because I've got a new hobby for my self and kind of drowned in it and Yes...the hobby's called nail art.

I've decided to write again because someone encourage me and that someone want to read my new writing. But's very hard for me writing a post in an english language but I'll try my best for not disappointing everyone who read my blog. Fyuhhh...

Do you remember, when you was a little kid in kindergarten, your teacher ask you to draw everything that excited you in a plain of paper and ask you to give a color u liked in the picture ? What do you feel ? 

For me, I was very happy and feel a lot of excitement about what kind of picture I wanna draw and what kind of color I will give...That feeling is still exist until now, specially when I'm doing a nail polish for a nail art. 

Yes...yes...that's the feeling I get when I'm doing a nail art *well...I'll bet the majority of the ladies feels the same too.

Nail polish is just like a crayon, they have so many color and pattern. But the different is you can applied it on your nail. So I think a nail polish is a crayon for the ladies. The source of happiness for woman *if you know what I mean... 

My first attraction comes from my roommate whose done her nail polished with a burgundy color. I see that, and feeling fascinated, I think "how come a small amount of color in your nail can boost up your mood just by seeing it ?". Then I decided that I've got to do it too.

Here's some of the pics and nail polishes brand I'm using :

Nyx - Hot Orange 
Revlon - Red - Get Ready
Oriflame Very me - nail graffiti - Gold Base Cot
Revlon - Blue -Mysterious
Nyx - Smoldering
Nyx - Dark black - Deep Space
Revlon - Blue - Mysterious
Nyx - Dark - Smoldering - Glitter

This 3 brands (Revlon, Nyx, and Oriflame) can be purchased from the local market. If you're looking for the perfect red color, try using revlon. They've got so many various red with many-many shade but have limited color beside red. For the perfect matte nail polish, try Nyx. It's looks very natural in your nail. From my observation so far and what I can get, the brand only have 2 kind of red color. But the remaining other color have many. Oriflame brand for me it's kind of difficult to combined, specially with other brand coat. 

I forget to tell that before you put a polish in your nail, it's very important to use a base coat. The coat have a function to protect your nail from the polish hazard. So it can't be absorbed into your nail directly and plus it makes your nail very smooth thus the polish can easily be swap through your nail. For the coat I'm using a super top speed 60 second base coat from Revlon. Here's the pic :

Now, a lot of coat in the market already has a double function, base coat and top coat, so you don't have to buy another coat for the top. Just use the same coat for applying top coat after your nail being polished. The top coat can protect your polished nail so it doesn't scratch easily and makes your nail more shine. But I'm warning you for not using nail polish for more than 1 week. After all the hazard still not safe. 

When it's done, you will be satisfy with the result. The excitement was real and plus you don't have to go to the nail art salon with amount of price you can minimized by doing on your own at home. Another positive thing, by doing your own nail art, you can practice for your creativity in creating cute pattern and combine many color. Happy nail art-ing :)